Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Babies don't have a pause button.

I've spent all this time worrying about whether or not I CAN get pregnant. Now that it's happened, I need to figure out what to do once the baby comes. I know it's another 8 months down the line, but I don't want to be worrying about these things while I'm worrying about everything else. I plan to take a month off, as will my loving and doting husband Gene. The problem is that I work as a part time therapist and I'm going to need to put the baby somewhere for the few hours a week that I work. On top of that I'll need to figure out what to do while I'm at martial arts training, although I might just take the baby with me. I may have an offer to teach parenting skills a couple times a month, so I'd need to figure out childcare for that too. The real problem is that I need to find something affordable, like a trade-off-kids kind of situation, but I'm not willing to leave my baby with a stranger. Years of working with abused children has made me Leery. Gene is an option, but as anyone who has ever worked full time will tell you, coming home after a long day and then babysitting for a couple of hours is a lot to ask on a weekly basis. I suppose that I'll figure something out, but it would be nice if more of my friends and family lived near me.

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