Thursday, May 11, 2006

Let every thing turn, turn, turn...

While I've been very fortunate not to have much in the way of morning sickness, I have discovered one complication that seems to run on daddy's side of the family...dizzy spells. I don't think mine are nearly as bad as my grandma's were, but thery're not a lot of fun either. Don't get me wrong, I'd take dizzy over nautious any day, but that's not much of a choice. So far they haven't been too bad, but i'm taking Grandma's advice and sitting down when they happen. I don't want to wake up at the bottom of the stairs!

Good Morning, Tiny Baby.

Every morning for the last 6 or so years, Gene kisses me good morning. Since he gets up first lately, i'm usually still half asleep. Lately, since we found out about our upcoming arrival, every morning Gene kisses me and says, " Good morning, Love." just like he always has, but now he kisses my tummy and says, " Good morning, tiny baby." It's just a little ting, but it helps to have this little reminder of how happy he is about this tiny baby.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Today Gene and I went in for our first real baby appointment. They said everything looks right for 10 weeks, which is where I'm at. After checking me all out they used a doppler device to listen for the heart beat. I've got no pictures for this entry, but just think "Swish-Swish-Swish-Swish" really fast, and that's pretty much it. I can't tell you what a relief it was to know that my baby's tiny little heart is beating away in there. Gene was beaming too.